This week we took a trip with all the temple missionaries and the temple presidency to go to a town a little over an hour away where there is an old Catholic church and a monastary. I think the Perez' must be saints, they took their vehicle again, we learned a bit more about them, he is an architect. Here that means he is also the project manager as well as designer.They have a son serving a mission in Bajia Blanca, Argentina. It is a small world,no. They are such fun and sweet, giving people. We were all supposed to bring a lunch. They brought enough for everyone. We all brought stuff to share and had a feast.
The only problem was that despite having been told it would be open, it wasn't, things are quite often closed on Mondays. The building is absolutely massive, Built in 1525, about the time of Hernan Cortez and was the center for Priests to be trained and sent to other parts of Mexico.Of course it was built on top of a pyramid! The idea was to obliterate the native religion and their Gods. One of the young men of the town let us in to just the chapel,since we had come from so far away (the United States) however we couldn't take pictures or stay longer than 5 minutes and he would not accept our 'donation'. He did not want anyone to know he had let us in without permission. It was the first Catholic church I have been in down here that I didn't feel uncomfortable in. It was so light, it was painted white and bright, not dark and heavy. it really was beautiful.
This is the roof of the church, it is a mosaic of
colored tile
This is us climbing to the top of the other church we went to see
(see pictureof bells farther down for explanation)This is the second set of steps. |
The back of the church, you can get a better idea of how really
big it is. Me, Chris Norman, Sister Atkinson, and Hermana Tovar.
The gate from the back of the town to the church
While we were waiting for the Senor to open the
church we went down the road a ways to another
old church, again closed, but they were working on
the roof and let us climb up. I got pictures of the bells,
They were so beautiful and old, you could see the hand
This shows you a little how massive this church is.
This is just the front, It extends on the right side
and it is way deep. I so wanted to go in and wander.
Tuesday we went ahead and got a membership to Sam's Club. I think we will enjoy shopping there although quite a few things are even more than they are in the States!
They have worked on the internet all week and finally we came home Thursday to internet working, it was the old internet, we still aren't hooked to the new high speed, but the wiring is run to the house.
Thursday was so busy at the temple, we had 4 buses in the morning and another 4 in the afternoon, we worked 12 hours. Friday was another busy day as was Saturday, but Saturday they brought a lot of their own workers and they didn't need us so we came home around 2:00. We understand they were well on their way to doing a record number of ordinances for the day!
We are happy and healthy and busy, each weekend we see people we knew in Mexico City and it is great to see them again, we have also both enjoyed working with the Primera Vez or the people coming for the first time. It is such a joy to see their sweet spirits and see how happy they are to enter into the Lord's house and partake of the fullness of His gospel.
Right now the country is in a bit of turmoil, I don't know if it was on the news there about the students that were killed in Gurerea, the next state over from us. There are protests and road blockades, the students were all teachers kids on there way to protest for better wages for teachers. So now teachers everywhere are protesting. they had all the fronts of the grocery stores and a lot of other stores blocaded on Saturday.They have blockaded quite a few major highways as well. Some of that kind of stuff I just don't understand. I would think it would make people mad, We couldn't even have the Church Store open for people to buy garments! We are supposed to keep a low profile until after the 20th when it is like their labor day. we just need to stay away from the protest areas and big crowds etc. We do anyway. But they aren't really upset at the U.S.
Today was Stake Conference for the Stake we go to, They had a great little choir.Pres. Atkinson was supposed to talk but his wife was pretty sick, he had to take her to the hospital,she has had some allergy and lung problems, so President Peña and his wife had to fill in last min, It was a great conference.I am getting so I really do understand most everything unless I let my mind wander. Of course Ross understands pretty much everything all the time unless he forgets his hearing aids.We make a dandy pair! He can't hear and I can't understand. lol But we do just fine. We are happy and health and loving life.
We send you all our love and prayers until next week
mom and dad, Ross and Bobett, Grandma and Grampa