Sunday, December 27, 2015

Tis the season to be busy! Weeks of Dec.14th to 27th. 2015

You would think that the weeks leading up to Christmas would be more calm and relaxed in the mission field, after all, we really have no shopping to do, I am not doing a lot of baking, my house is much smaller and a whole lot easier to keep clean, but life is life where ever you are and it seems that the busyness of life creeps in no matter what. I guess the key, as in all things is to set priorities and stick with them, remember what is most important and what is best and let the rest go! It is so easy to get distracted by the things of the world, I am so grateful for the gentle whispering of the Spirit to remind me when I am getting to far off track and the reminders that this Season of Christmas is and should be all about Christ.

Friday the 18th we had the opportunity to attend a beautiful program put on by some of the missionaries in the area, it was amazing. We kind of drug our feet a little about going as it had been a busy day at the temple and we were tired, I had come home early with a migraine, but was feeling better, so we (the Roesberrys and us) caught a taxi and went. We were all so glad we did, the purpose was twofold, to celebrate Christmas and to introduce investigators to the Gospel. As we listened to them sing and play piano it is so evident to see that the Lord really has saved the best of the best for the last days, these kids are all so talented and beautiful and the light of Christ shines brilliantly in their eyes and faces making them even more beautiful. One of the missionaries that we know is a big Samoan, Elder Anono from Salt Lake, you would think he would have a big booming bass voice, nope, he has the softest, sweetest, most beautiful tenor voice. He sang several duets with different sisters and as well as a solo. This program was just what I needed to remind me of what is really important and connect me with Christ

 With flowers blooming and weather that is warm enough to cause sunburn it has been hard to believe it is Christmas. These are the Noche Buenas (Poinsettas) outside our front door. 

Sunday the 20th we spoke in the Independencia Ward of the Atoyac Stake, we always leave with plenty of time so we are not late, it was a good thing. We have been to that building twice, but we still got lost! We ended up taking a cab and a moto taxi to get there.

 This is a moto taxi, quite often they will put 3 people in the back seat and one next to the driver.

One of the cute families from Barrio Independencia.

When we went home we could not find a yellow cab anywhere, we needed to get home early as we needed to be there to help prepare for the Temple Workers Devotional. We finally ended up taking 2 buses and 2 moto Taxis, travel is quite often an adventure when you don't have a car. Ross has teased since we first got here about buying a car and driving home, I have been pretty adamant about the fact that when it is time to go home I want to get there in a few hours by plane! But, oh there are times a car would be nice! Except then we would probably really get lost!

The temple workers devotional went well, we thought at first it wasn't going to be well attended but as with most things here by the time it was about half over there was a pretty good crowd. Ross and Jan and the rest of the Choir did a great job. We planned a family night for the next evening (Monday) to get together with the choir and sing in the neighborhood ( just for fun) and have hot chocolate, we ended up making dinner for the group instead. Unfortunately only one couple was able to come, we still went caroling to the neighbors and took cookies, we got hugs at several houses, then we came back and ate, they were pleasantly surprised when we served Mexican food. We all had a great time and feel like we are good friends now.

 The couple that came to eat are the Alcazars, the man next to Ross and the Sister with the long hair next to Jan. He has an amazing voice and has sung in choirs a lot and is the go to guy for funerals etc.

I keep starting and stopping on this blog, I work on it a little here and there, eventually I ill get it done and posted!  Merry Christmas everyone! We hope and pray you are all enjoying this special time together and that you feel the love of  the Savior as you celebrate. We had a very enjoyable Christmas Eve, we met with the Cardenas' at their home, The Pena's, Sister Zarco and her daughter from Provo, and some surprise guests. The Cardenas' brother, who is the temple recorder in Mexico city, along with his family and two of the Cardenas' boys came and surprised them. We had a wonderful dinner a very nice program of songs and thoughts and great visiting. Christmas day we all got together again, this time with the Roesberrys and 4 sets of young Elders and had another amazing meal and wonderful conversation. In the evening of Christmas day we got together with the Roesberrys and President and Sister Madsen and played Tensies and cards and ate more treats! We are going to really have to up the diet and exercise program after this week.

Dinner at the Cardenas' house, they are very gracious hosts, both thier son and Sister Zarcos daughter are great musicians. They both play piano and sing so beautifully as does Brother Marco Cardenas' daughter. 

The best part of the day was skyping and talking to each and everyone of our kids and grandkids and knowing they are all well and happy. We even got to see and talk to AndiJo through the miracle of technology. What a blessing it is to live in our day and age!

You can see Andi on one screen and us on the other, it was almost like being together! We also had several sets of the Elders skype home from here. It was fun to say hi to their families, but more fun to hear the joy in their voices as they talked to family. Joy sounds the same in any language. 

Christmas Eve or Buena Noche is the big Celebration here, families get together for the evening and spend time together playing games and singing etc. At Midnight if you are Catholic, you go to mass, or you go set off fireworks, if you have been good, while you are gone, Santa comes, usually with one gift. Then when you return home you have a big middle of the night meal and it's off to bed. Then on the 5th of Jan. you set out your shoes, with hay for the camels, and the wise men bring gifts again. 

We went back to work Saturday and the group we expected turned out to be 6 people in a car not 60 on a bus. We had a bit of a slow day but still a great day, we were home by 2:00. The cutest little 2 year old was sealed to her adopted parents. What a happy day for them. 

Today we went to the ward that Greg and Jan usually attend, La Noria. It started at 12:00, all 4 of us gave talks. (The talks went well, Jan and Greg did  fantastic.) It was Greg and Jan's last week in that ward as they are now officially in the same ward as us, since they have moved. 
We will have a week off of speaking and then we start our assignment strictly in the Amapolis Stake until we come home in April.

During this last two weeks we managed to sneak away and watch the new Star Wars Movie, we enjoyed it, although it wasn't a lot different than any of the others, just upgraded special affects. Still they are fun movies and a good break. Jan said it is kind of like seeing old friends. It is amazing how many parallels you can draw to the gospel and Star Wars if you look, and you don't have to look very hard either! I like movies and stories with clear cut good and evil and not all the grey areas. 

We are busy in the office trying to organize for the  New Year and the change in horarios, we are going to be open different hours, and the workers will be changing to different shifts, it is up to me to get it all organized. We have decided that we need to start training the secretaries to take over as many of our responsibilities as we can so that we can spend the last month as back up for them. It looks more and more unlikely that there will be a replacement for us. There will be some of the things that Ross does that he will have to train the Presidency to do but there is a lot that the secretaries can take over. We do love the work and the temple but we plan on coming home in April!

It has been a busy two weeks filled with reminder's of Christ's birth, His mission, His great love for each and every one of us, the joy of family and friends, the privilege of  serving in His holy house, visiting new wards, listening to and singing sacred music, all this celebration has been centered in and pointing to Christ. It brings to mind a Scripture from 2 Nephi 25:26 " And we talk of Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." And I would add that they would know where to look for true joy and happiness in this life and in the life to come for it is only through our Savior and Redeemer, he who is the Light and the Life of the world that we can and will find peace, he said 
" Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
We pray that your hearts may be at peace now and throughout this coming year we love you! 



Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy,Happy Birthday on Wednesday to our sweet, silly, happy, fun, beautiful, 7 year old Eliza. We wish we could be there to eat birthday cake with you and play games and have a party. We have missed a lot of parties so maybe we will have to have one big party when we get home! We could eat all our favorite foods and cakes and play all our favorite games.

This week seemed to go by pretty quickly, I suppose that is because we stayed busy, Ross has been practicing to sing in the temple workers devotional. Who knew it could be so hard to get a small group together to practice or that finding a piano player would be like pulling hen's teeth! If Jan doesn't have a panic attack between being in charge of her ward program and this performance, before it is all over it will be a Christmas Miracle! hahah, Really though it is coming together and sounding good. We have also been getting things in the temple ready for the new year, new hours, new schedules, etc. It makes life interesting and keeps us all on our toes.

Monday we went downtown with the Roesberrys and found a few things to make gifts for our secretaries and neighbors then we ate lunch in the Zocolo. We were joined by a pigeon who thought he wanted to share our lunch as we dined in the open air and watched the people. The Zocolo was very busy with people bustling about trying to get shopping done and others trying to sell their hand made items. We also had entertainment in the form of a marimba. The Zocolo is always so colorful and fun. One little boy came to our table selling necklaces, Greg asked him why he wasn't in school, he pointed to a group of teachers across the square who were protesting and said because the teachers are here. Pretty quick response, although not entirely true as they were college teachers.
One day this week Ross and Pres. Cardenas had a Conference call training with Salt Lake on Recorder training and finances that lasted about 11/2 hours. he really needs a replacement soon as he has a lot to teach the new recorder.

Friday night we had a dinner for the Stake and District Presidents at President Cardenas' house, it had to be at 8:00 pm to accommodate everyone's schedules. It was a great evening although everyone couldn't make it, but it was a bit late and we didn't get to bed until late and had to be back to the temple by 4:45 for the group that came from Salina Cruz.


Dinner at Pres. Cardenas' House

Pres. Andrade and family Stake Pres. of Monte Alban

Pres.Peña in front Pres. and Sis. Villanueva of Atoyac

Pres. and Sis. Junco of Amapolas

Pres. and Sis Leon couldn't make it, they had sick kids and the other stakes and districts are a long ways away. It really was a  nice evening, these people are the salt of the earth and are so enjoyable to associate with, at times we wonder how we got so blessed to be able to rub shoulders with such great servants of the Lord. We pinch ourselves to see if it is a dream and we are going to wake up and be back in our own reality in Fredonia.

Saturday the temple was very full, we had  well over 200 people in our little temple, 86 were young people in the baptistery.(It was great because we got a lot of family names done) Sometimes I think that the Lord  somehow manages to stretch the walls to fit everyone in, you would never know by the sound inside that there are that many people, the reverence is incredible! Even in the office people speak in whispers. I got to help a sister prepare her papers to be sealed to her deceased parents again, she was so happy. Chris Norman thank you so much for helping me learn how to do genealogy, you have helped me on the path to fulfill a part of my patriarchal blessing. We also had 2 families become eternal families. It is such a blessing to see the joy on their faces as they leave the temple arm in arm knowing that they are now under covenant to be eternally together. They are so joyful as they take pictures together on the steps. 

Today we were able to go the the dedication of the new Tijuana Temple, that makes 13 temples in Mexico! It was such a wonderful, inspiring and spiritual, President Uchtdorf did the dedicatory prayer and it was amazing. There are times I really wish I had a photographic memory and that I could remember and record the things I hear for later reference. I take notes but I can't write fast enough and I miss things, and sometimes when I am writing one thing I miss hearing the next thing, especially if it is in Spanish! Maybe in Heaven we will  have that kind of brain or ability.

With this being the Christmas season we want to leave you with a Christmas thought from John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in Him  should not perish but have everlasting life". And in John 12:46 "I am come a light unto the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness." This Christmas season as we string lights and enjoy the decorations and all that Christmas brings of light and joy we pray we remember the true Light of the world, the one who dispels the darkness and brings us the hope and joy of eternal life. He truly is our Savior our Redeemer, our best friend, our Light in a world of darkness Jesus the Christ.

We love you and pray for for each of you always.  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week of November 30th to Dec. 6th 2015 December already!!!!!

It is so hard to believe that it is already  December, this will be our second Christmas in Oaxaca and our third in Mexico!  Last year we had been here such a short time we decided that we would not make much of a fuss, so we did not have a tree or do much to celebrate. This year I thought a tree would help us not feel quite as homesick, I am afraid it made ​​it a little worse in some ways or at least harder to ignore.  Although it is fun to come home and turn on the lights and have them brighten the room and bring a little Christmas cheer and festiveness to the house.

 I have been collecting fun little miniatures for my tree all through the year. I have little alabrijes, 
(The little hand carved and painted figurines), little pots, painted tin figures, little woven baskets and hats, and a few other fun miniatures. It is hard to see what they are in the picture but it is a cute little tree.

I think tomorrow we are going downtown and I want to look for a few more decorations for my little tree.

Can you see the little turtle? Also there is a cute owl, eagle, hummingbird, and lizard.

They also put the decorations out at the temple this week, they are simple, but so beautiful. 

It is fun to watch the the children that come to the temple grounds sit on the straw bales  and read or sometimes sing to baby Jesus. 

Grandpa has not felt great for a few weeks, I think it started as allergies, there is always something blooming here, now it has turned into a sinus infection, he finally got antibiotics last night,  so he should be on the mend soon. We only went to 2 hours of church today and  came home so he could  nap. He is supposed to be singing in a choir for the temple workers devotional and the head congestion makes it really hard to sing. Now for the big belly laugh, Jan thinks I am singing too, I do not think so !!!! Not if she wants to sound good. 

Here's the rundown of the past week, Monday we cleaned, did laundry, and shopped. Then at 3:00 pm I had a luncheon With the Matron and Assistants and all the Stake Relief Society presidencies. They do this quarterly, kind of a good will and touch base, how can we assist the wards, etc ,. Afterwards we went to the movie to with the Roseberrys and the Peñas. The rest of the week was pretty ordinary, we had Presidency meeting, worked in the office as well as were able to help with Ordinances. I was able to work on genealogy this week and found to bunch more names, we had a group from Huatulco Saturday and they helped get the work done for so many of the names. I feel like that  has been one of the great blessings of this mission. 

One of our cute little secretaries is expecting, her baby will born in January. They have been thinking all along it was a girl, in the first ultrasound  it seemed pretty certain it was a girl. All along  Ross has called it George, well, she just found out for sure it is a BOY! So now every time she comes in Ross says "How's George?" She told me they were going to name her Bobett, now they do not know what to name him! She will be done the end of this month so I have to find a new secretary again, we will sure miss her, she is so sweet and so capable. 

I love this time of year, and while we do miss being home with family we are happy and content to be here, able to share the gospel, Ross had a great experience Friday, he got to give a short discussion to a group of Investigators that came to the temple with some young missionaries, they were there to see what temples are all about, the Presidency member in charge was busy so Ross got to give the discussion. He said it was great, these kinds of opportunities to share the gospel and our feelings of Christ's love for each of us make us realize we are where we should be, for now. 
When we ponder on the many gifts the Savior has given us it is almost overwhelming to think of the amount of love he has for each of us. In Spanish there are many different words for gift, each word defines the type of gift that is being given, la dádiva is a gift that is without price, that is the gift that  Christ gave us, the ability to be made whole and perfect, regardless of our infirmities, afflictions, imperfections, what we have done or what we had done to us, the magnitude of this gift is so far beyond our mortal comprehension and yet it is there for the taking because of love, how beautiful and glorious is that! Oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me!
As we celebrate His birth I hope we remember His life of service, His example of love and sacrifice, and His ultimate gift of the atonement for each one of us.
We love you and pray for you always.