Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy,Happy Birthday on Wednesday to our sweet, silly, happy, fun, beautiful, 7 year old Eliza. We wish we could be there to eat birthday cake with you and play games and have a party. We have missed a lot of parties so maybe we will have to have one big party when we get home! We could eat all our favorite foods and cakes and play all our favorite games.

This week seemed to go by pretty quickly, I suppose that is because we stayed busy, Ross has been practicing to sing in the temple workers devotional. Who knew it could be so hard to get a small group together to practice or that finding a piano player would be like pulling hen's teeth! If Jan doesn't have a panic attack between being in charge of her ward program and this performance, before it is all over it will be a Christmas Miracle! hahah, Really though it is coming together and sounding good. We have also been getting things in the temple ready for the new year, new hours, new schedules, etc. It makes life interesting and keeps us all on our toes.

Monday we went downtown with the Roesberrys and found a few things to make gifts for our secretaries and neighbors then we ate lunch in the Zocolo. We were joined by a pigeon who thought he wanted to share our lunch as we dined in the open air and watched the people. The Zocolo was very busy with people bustling about trying to get shopping done and others trying to sell their hand made items. We also had entertainment in the form of a marimba. The Zocolo is always so colorful and fun. One little boy came to our table selling necklaces, Greg asked him why he wasn't in school, he pointed to a group of teachers across the square who were protesting and said because the teachers are here. Pretty quick response, although not entirely true as they were college teachers.
One day this week Ross and Pres. Cardenas had a Conference call training with Salt Lake on Recorder training and finances that lasted about 11/2 hours. he really needs a replacement soon as he has a lot to teach the new recorder.

Friday night we had a dinner for the Stake and District Presidents at President Cardenas' house, it had to be at 8:00 pm to accommodate everyone's schedules. It was a great evening although everyone couldn't make it, but it was a bit late and we didn't get to bed until late and had to be back to the temple by 4:45 for the group that came from Salina Cruz.


Dinner at Pres. Cardenas' House

Pres. Andrade and family Stake Pres. of Monte Alban

Pres.Peña in front Pres. and Sis. Villanueva of Atoyac

Pres. and Sis. Junco of Amapolas

Pres. and Sis Leon couldn't make it, they had sick kids and the other stakes and districts are a long ways away. It really was a  nice evening, these people are the salt of the earth and are so enjoyable to associate with, at times we wonder how we got so blessed to be able to rub shoulders with such great servants of the Lord. We pinch ourselves to see if it is a dream and we are going to wake up and be back in our own reality in Fredonia.

Saturday the temple was very full, we had  well over 200 people in our little temple, 86 were young people in the baptistery.(It was great because we got a lot of family names done) Sometimes I think that the Lord  somehow manages to stretch the walls to fit everyone in, you would never know by the sound inside that there are that many people, the reverence is incredible! Even in the office people speak in whispers. I got to help a sister prepare her papers to be sealed to her deceased parents again, she was so happy. Chris Norman thank you so much for helping me learn how to do genealogy, you have helped me on the path to fulfill a part of my patriarchal blessing. We also had 2 families become eternal families. It is such a blessing to see the joy on their faces as they leave the temple arm in arm knowing that they are now under covenant to be eternally together. They are so joyful as they take pictures together on the steps. 

Today we were able to go the the dedication of the new Tijuana Temple, that makes 13 temples in Mexico! It was such a wonderful, inspiring and spiritual, President Uchtdorf did the dedicatory prayer and it was amazing. There are times I really wish I had a photographic memory and that I could remember and record the things I hear for later reference. I take notes but I can't write fast enough and I miss things, and sometimes when I am writing one thing I miss hearing the next thing, especially if it is in Spanish! Maybe in Heaven we will  have that kind of brain or ability.

With this being the Christmas season we want to leave you with a Christmas thought from John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in Him  should not perish but have everlasting life". And in John 12:46 "I am come a light unto the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness." This Christmas season as we string lights and enjoy the decorations and all that Christmas brings of light and joy we pray we remember the true Light of the world, the one who dispels the darkness and brings us the hope and joy of eternal life. He truly is our Savior our Redeemer, our best friend, our Light in a world of darkness Jesus the Christ.

We love you and pray for for each of you always.  

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