Easter Morning At the Temple.
We just finished watching the last session of conference and I feel sad that it is over and happy that I will now be able to start reading and studying the talks. What a wonderful conference with powerful and timely talks. We are so grateful to live in a time when we have a modern day Prophet and Apostles and leaders called of God to lead, guide and inspire us. We were able to watch all the sessions together with the Normans and the Roesberrys on a projection screen at the Norman's house. Yesterday we planned a lunch together with all the adult missionaries and temple presidency, plus the mission president between sessions, it was great to get together and discuss the talks and the mission, etc. Pres. Atkinson didn't make it, his wife is still pretty sick, neither did Pres. Serano nor Pena.
This morning we had planned an Easter sunrise service at the temple backyard, we sang while Ross played the guitar, had a testimony mtg. and Pres. Atkinson talked about the Atonement, it was a beautiful way to start the day. We came back to the house and had a wonderful breakfast together and Sister Atkinson even felt well enough to join us! We then watched conference and had yesterday's leftovers for lunch between conference sessions. We are so blessed to be serving with this great group of people, everyone gets along so well and pitches in and helps and furnishes and shares and cares, it feels a bit like what I imagine the Celestial Kingdom will be like.
Lunch Saturday, with the Madsons, Normans, and Roesberrys.
Cream of Cauliflower Soup, Chili, Artisan Bread, fruit, and Strawberry Pie! |
Sunrise Easter Service
The week has flown by, Monday we were invited to a brunch at one of the coordinators houses, Teresia Ramirez, it was us, the Peñas, Normans, Roesberrys, and the Perezes. Terry has a beautiful home and yard, we spent about 3 hours there visiting and eating. Her husband is inactive and I think this was an activity to help activate him, he is a great guy, he likes to hunt so he and dad visited about that a little. Terry's son is our Bishop.
Terry's backyard, Terry is in red and her husband is in shorts next to her. |
I don't know if you can see these rocking chairs, they are so beautiful, they were carved and the wood is some kind of really pretty hardwood.
Monday evening we were invited to the Roesberry's for dinner to celebrate Ross birthday. They made us a heavenly chicken pot pie
and we had strawberry shortcake for desert. After dinner we player sets and runs and visited. All in all we had a great day! Just a side note, how grateful I am for Ross and a day to celebrate him. he is an amazing husband, father and grandfather and my best friend. I love him more each day.
Tuesday we didn't have an early meeting and didn't go to the temple until 3:30 so Ross and I went downtown for a little while, it was crazy! There were twice as many booths as usual as SO many people, I guess with the holidays everyone is downtown! We didn't stay long. I love the colors and sites and sounds of the markets though, it is always interesting.
The temple was busy, we even had busses on Wednesday, with 3 sessions in the morning when the norm is one. We put in some long hours and were a little tired but as Ross said, it is a very good kind of tired, a feeling of satisfaction, knowing you have been able to do some good and be of some help.
Thursday we had around 120 youth for baptisms! They called us in early Thursday so we started at 9:00 instead of 11:00 and we finished just after 9:00 that night. What a wonderful day we had, the people had come from the state of Guererra, where they are having so much turmoil and they need the peace of the temple, how wonderful it is to serve with and for them and to feel their faith and courage. They all came with family name cards to get done and at one point we had 11 sisters lined up at our one booth to do initiatory work, patiently waiting for their turn. The truly converted saints are so faithful and it is such a privilege to associate with them.
We love each of you and hope you had a wonderful Easter, that you felt the sweet spirit of our Savior and His love for you. We testify that He does live, that He loves each of us personally and infinitely, we know that the greatest happiness and joy to be found in this life is in living His gospel. Take care of yourselves and each other.
The construction accross the street is going pretty slow, they are adding more metal to the floor. |