We hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July. We had a great day celebrating in the temple!
This is Elder Pitchford, he came to the temple on Friday with one of his converts to see he receive her endowment, he is an amazing missionary and a great guy, we have gotten to know him pretty well. He is from Bear Lake, Idaho. Check out the shoes, can you see how worn out they are? The Elders do a lot of walking here, he says this is his 3rd pair, he says his mom will cry when she sees these shoes and he will wear a different pair home but will keep these. We love Elder Pitchford. |
Monday we got to go early to the temple, the group that came to do the Monday cleaning requested a session before they cleaned but needed help with the veil so I got to go over and help, it's always a privilege and a great way to start the week. We also went downtown with the Roesberry's, Jan and Greg have a new grand daughter and wanted to get a little dress to send home with us so we can mail it to her. There are still so many teachers in the Zocolo area so we avoided that area and went to one of the markets, mission completed and we caught a taxi home just in time to meet at Sister Peña's house to learn how to make Chili Rellenos. (Ican't wait to make these for the family) Sister Peña had made these a while back and brought some to us for dinner and had promised to teach us how to make them before John and Chris leave. We made them then got together to eat them ate our house, just added a salad and cupcakes that Chris made. Later we played games. We have such a great time with these good friends who have become more like family.
Tuesday starts early now, it used to be a half day, now with dads new responsibilities it starts by 8:00 or sooner to prepare for Presidency meeting, then the meeting, hopefully a quick lunch break then missionary training meeting, then temple.
Wednesday we worked in the morning and then we made a quick trip back downtown, the Normans have a Diego Rivera print they had framed, they don't have room to take it home in the frame and were going to give us the frame, we love the print and would buy the same print to go back in the frame, so rather than take it out we went and bought them a rolled print so they can take that home and we will hang the framed one in our apartment. While we were downtown we saw a group of dancers in front of the Santo Domingo church, turns out they were part of a wedding dance.
Wedding Dancers in front of Santo Domingo Church |
Tree Stump Carving Downtown |
To see more of this and the Church and part of downtown go to this link and view this and other traditional wedding videos.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we had excursions, one of our favorite groups was there all three days, they come from Cuatla and always bring enough family names and some of their own workers. They are always so prepared and reverent, they are great people, the Stake President and his wife are such kind and loving people and we have come to love them and look forward to their visits.
Saturday evening we got together with the Roesberrys and the Normans for cards and snacks, we are taking advantage of the time we have left with the Normans, we will miss them so much when they leave.
Today we met with resident Atkinson after church and had some training on our new responsibilities and his expectations, then Ross was set apart as the Assistant Recorder, he was give a beautiful blessing with some great promises, I was also give a beautiful blessing. Then President left us alone in the temple to ponder ad discuss with each other, what a sacred and amazing experience. We feel so blessed to have been given these opportunities we truly feel the Savior's love in our lives and know without a doubt that He is aware of us, of our doubts and fears, and that He will help us and comfort us, that He wants to reach out and bless our lives that he does stand ready to pour out those blessings on us if we but reach out to Him. Psalms 34:4 "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."
We love you all and can't hardly wait until next Monday when we will get to see you.