Sunday, February 8, 2015

Feb.1st through Feb. 8th, 2014

Happy, Happy Birthday this week to Doyle, Erika, and Debi. Debi is having her birthday today and we hope she is being spoiled rotten and treated like a queen. Tomorrow Doyle and Erika share a birthday. We wish you both a very happy day and hope you both get spoiled also and that everyone treats you extra special and caters to your every desire. What we really wish, though, is that we were there to enjoy cake and ice cream with you!

Again this has been a bit of a slow week, Monday we went to Sam's club with The Roesberrys and Normans, did laundry, etc., then got together at 2:00 at our house for tamales, this is to celebrate  Candlemas, it is significant because in Jewish tradition or Mosaic Law 33 + 7  (or 40) days after a child is born it is time for his mother's purification  and his presentation in the temple to the Lord. And to make a sacrifice to redeem the first born, commonly the sacrifice was a lamb without blemish , but for poor people it was a pair of turtle doves or 2 young pigeons. Thus Candlemas celebrates Jesus' presentation in the temple. Sounds similar to a naming and blessing ordinance. It was also a way to give thanks to God for the child after his birth. (Many Catholics keep their decorations and nativities out until after this date). It was when Joseph and Mary took Jesus to the temple that they encountered Simeon, who had been promised that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Christ. After seeing Christ he said "Lord, now let thou Thy servant depart I peace; according to Thy word: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people: to be a light to lighten the gentiles and to be the glory of Thy people Israel (Luke 2:29-32)  

It is also signicant because it falls midway between the winter and spring equinox.
The tamales are a Mexican tradition that corresponds with the Christmas bread we ate with the baby hidden inside. The person who got the baby provides the tamales. I also found out why they hide the babies in the bread. It is symbolic of the Jews hiding the babies from King Herod when he was having all the babies killed because he heard a new king was born. Now it all makes much more sense!

History lesson 101 over for today - oh how I love the internet, it is so much easier than encyclopedias or running to the library when I want to know something!

Wednesday we call missionary day because in the morning we generally have young missionaries in the session, President Madsen has the missionaries come to the temple once a month and we love having them, they bring such a great spirit with them, each Wed. we see different ones and are getting to know quite a few of them. What amazing young people.

Each of the 4 Oaxacan Stakes are all assigned a different night and we are also starting to recognize the regulars. For example Pres. Junco (one of the Stake Pres.) and his wife are there every week. Our Bishops counselor and his wife are temple workers 1 day a week and come at least one other day a week. There are some extremely faithful members here, and like everywhere some extremely inactive members. Thursday and Friday we had no busses so the Presidency decided to schedule sealing sessions all day both days. They had Sister Norman call all the workers and try to get them to commit to a certain schedule of time, it didn't really work and most of them just didn't show up so we spent a lot of time on our knees! It was a great experience though, and during the 2 days the temple was able to seal over 900 couples! We had been behind in couple sealings and that will really help. It is so wonderful to listen to the words and blessings promised in the ordinances, we were talking and saying how much it strengthens our testimony of the love our Father in Heaven has for us, His children, when we really listen and hear all he desires to bless us with, it truly is amazing.

Saturday we had 2 buses and a large van, so we were busy, I had the opportunity to be in the doorway greeting people and as I was watching out front I was able to observe the people waiting. Whole families come, one member will stay outside with the young kids and babysit and then after the first session they will trade off and someone else will come out and that person will get to go in. The kids were running and playing on the grass of the church house  and the temple, one group was gathered around a grandma and she was telling stories, one darling little girl in a pink coat and a beret was playing on the steps, it was such a beautiful thing to see and the kids were learning early the importance of temple attendance and a love for the temple.

In about an hour we are getting together at our house for Sunday dinner, it is great to have a good group of friends, it helps us not to be quite so homesick. We love and miss you all so very much and keep you all in our thoughts, hearts, and prayers.

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