Sunday, October 4, 2015

Tuesday September 29th to Sunday October 4 2015 General Conference Weekend

This was a short week in the temple as Saturday we closed for conference. 

Tuesday evening we had a great evening in the temple, Ross and I finished up in the office in time to catch the second session. Wednesday morning they needed us as obreros instead of office workers, we have also been doing a little bit of genealogy and so we have been putting a few family names through. It is hard to find very many family names on either of our lines, most of what needs to be done requires quite a bit of research and when we have time is when we are slow in the temple and we don't have internet access inside the temple to very many records. Seems like that is one disadvantage of having a pioneer ancestry, all the genealogy and temple work has been done! 
Thursday we were able to go on another session as well as get alot of our office work done. 

The temple has been pretty slow and quite often we are finding ourselves at loose ends with not much to do, President Atkinson suggested we talk to the Mission President, President Madsen and see if he could use our help a couple of days a week. So we did, we are going to the mission office tomorrow at noon to complete the renewal of our visas and we will meet with President Madsen to see about working as his office couple for one or two days each week.We will also visit with him about doing some visits to the wards and branches on Sundays or if there are other areas where we can be of help to him, we have been feeling some pretty strong promptings that we are not working to our potential and that we need to be doing more as we finish this last 6 months of our mission.

We had a great Conference weekend! We made plans for the English Speakers to watch conference at our house on the projector and then for any of the rest of the Presidency and Missionaries that wanted to join us for some meals in between sessions. Pres. and Sister Atkinson were going to watch with us but Sister Atkinson wasn't feeling well so they watched at home and just joined us for the meals. Madsens joined their missionaries for the sessions and came for meals, The Peñas of course watched in Spanish at the Stake center and came for meals. 

The living room all set up for conference.

Jan, Greg and Ross Watching Conference

Ross and Pres. Peña cooking the Chicken and veggies.

The Chef

Lunch Saturday, Pres. Madsen is healing really well, no more bandages, the wounds are closed and look great!

Neither one of us could talk if we didn't have hands!

Breakfast Sunday Morning! Everyone brought something, each item would have made a meal by itself, we could have fed the whole neighborhood, as usual, my favorite was enchiladas swissa. No more food the rest of the day, because tomorrow we are going to a going away party in the afternoon for Pres. Atkinson at the home of some of the temple workers, they are flying in beef from the state of Sonora, the guy, Hermano Perez is known as one of the best at barbecoa in the area. Everyone loves Pres. and Sister Atkinson and want to feed them and honor and thank them before they leave!

Wow, were we ever spiritually fed this weekend with conference, usually the Saturday morning session is kind of soso, we all commented on how powerful it was and each session was as good if not better. I generally take notes and put a star next to my favorites or the talks I want to study first, I have a LOT of stars. I kept thinking this talk is just for me! or Now I know the answer to that question, or Now I know the direction I need to go or what I need to change! My notes are full of ideas and things I need to be doing better or more of trying harder to become.
Some thoughts: 
Church life transforms life from ordinary and dreary to extraordinary and sublime!
See yourself and Others as God sees you!

Be better about Sabbath day observance.
Start where you are!
When we center our lives on/in Christ we live after the manner of happiness!
It will all work out!
The Holy Ghost gives customized counsel!
(So be more specific in our questions.)
Our direction is ever more important than our speed!
What is keeping me from progressing?
Divine protections are provided when we are righteous!
Reach up-Not across
We can learn lessons about light riding bikes in  dark tunnel.
Lack of spiritual habits makes us forget the spiritual feelings we have had in the past.
The enabling power of the atonement empowers us to be better and helps us to heal the broken hearted.
We fail only when we fail to take a step forward.
Turn the worldly volume down and listen to the still small voice!
Ours is the OPPORTUNITY to help others.
I stand all amazed!
It's not about us, it's about the Lord and His work and His Children!  
The Lord needs strong women who can raise sin resistant children.
Choose one verse a week to PONDERIZE!
God wants us to have JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS, AND SUCCESS!
Trust God
Things of an eternal significance rarely are easy.
When you can not do what you have always done you only do what matters most!
And finally God lives, Jesus Christ loves us enough that He gave His life for us, each one of us individually,personally, His grace truly is sufficient for all, each apostle bore this special apostolic witness of this beautiful truth, I felt again a powerful witness touch my heart that it is indeed true.
We love you all, have a wonderful week. 

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